Because demos are such an important part of many technology pitches, Autotech Council meetings offer in-room space for demos and followup during breaks. We encourage companies who are selected for an agenda to reserve a table to facilitate followup conversations or show demos. At our public meetings, demo tables and meeting tables are available to rent to speakers and attendees alike.
- Innovation Review: At our topic meetings, up to 10 tables are available for companies to show their technology and share their story with attendees and members. These tables are available in the meeting room and draw attendees during all 3 networking breaks.
- Startup Reviews: At our member meetings, in-room meeting tables are available at no fee presenting startups to show a demo or take followup interest in the 1 networking break after they present.
- Annual Events: Our Spring MatchMaker event and our Science Fair each fall are both built around technology demos. Dozens of tables and 100s of meetings take place at each of these events.
To include your demo in an Autotech Council agenda, reserve a table when you register for a meeting. Tables can be used for:
- Meeting Table: No demo required. Reserve a table with your name on it to encourage 1-on-1 conversations with attendees during the networking breaks.
- Demo Table: Reserve an in-room table to set up a demo whether or not your are on the agenda. Virtual tables may also be available in our virtual meeting room.

To reserve a table, add this option when you register. Find the next opportunity to demo on our calendar.